Malattie prevenibili da vaccino nell’area del Mediterraneo e del Mar Nero: i materiali del workshop di giugno 2016
5 ottobre 2017 - Si è svolto a Roma, il 16-17 giugno 2016, il workshop “Vaccine Preventable Diseases in the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea: immunization strategies and vaccination coverage in the general population and newly arrived migrants ProVacMed network”.
La due giorni è stata occasione per presentare i risultati del progetto ProVacMed (PROgrammiVACcinali nell’area del MEDiterraneo), condotto tra il 2015 e il 2016, sia con il fine di condividere le conoscenze sul controllo delle malattie prevenibili da vaccino, che quello di rafforzare il network con l’inclusione di esperti nel campo delle vaccinazioni provenienti da Paesi extra Unione europea dell’area del Mediterraneo e del Mar Nero.
Scarica il programma del workshop (pdf 437 kb) e le presentazioni:
16/06/2016 - “Vaccine Preventable Diseases in the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea: immunization strategies and vaccination coverage”
Openings and Workshop’s aims
- Angela Spinelli (Iss)
- Maria Grazia Pompa (DG Communication and International relations - Italian Ministry of Health)
- Silvia Declich (pdf 440 kb) (Iss)
The Network for the control of cross-border health threats in the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea
- Networking among countries: sharing for building (pdf 285 kb) – Germain Thinus (Consultant, on behalf of DG SANTE, European Commission)
- The ProVacMed project aims and activities (pdf 209 kb) - Silvia Declich (Iss)
Vaccine Preventable Diseases: strategies to attain and sustain immunization goals
- Poliomyelitis: successful and critical issues in the eradication process (pdf 3,4 Mb) - Gaetano Maria Fara, Anna Maria Patti (Dept Public Health & Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome)
- The State of Measles and Rubella in the WHO European Region (pdf 3,5 Mb) – Mark Muscat (WHO Regional Office for Europe)
- Vaccine hesitancy: a widespread problem (pdf 1,2 Mb) - Karam Adel Ali (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC)
Working session: immunization strategies and vaccine coverage in the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea
- Report from the ProVacMed network: introduction (pdf 369 kb) - Cristina Giambi (Iss)
- Validation of countries’ profiles and discussing possible integrations and amendments (countries and facilitators)
Discussion and conclusions of the day - Silvia Declich (Iss)
17/06/2016 - “Immunization strategies among the newly arrived migrants”
General principles, challenges and opportunities for immunization of newly arrived migrants
- General principles of vaccination of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in the WHO European Region: WHO-UNICEF-UNHCR guidelines (pdf 1 Mb) - Mark Muscat (WHO Regional Office for Europe)
- Challenges and options to address vaccination needs of irregular migrants, refugees or asylum seekers in the EU (pdf 1,4 Mb) - Karam Adel Ali (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC)
- Promote immunizations among migrant populations in Europe: Promovax project (pdf 419 kb) – Maria Grazia Dente (Iss)
Vaccination strategies targeting newly arrived migrants in the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea
- Immunization strategies targeting newly arrived migrants: results from the ProVacMed network - Cristina Giambi (Iss)
- Experiences from countries: barriers and good practices (moderators Mark Muscat & Silvia Declich)
Conclusions of the Workshop and the way forward - Silvia Declich (Iss).
Per approfondire consulta anche il commento al rapporto Istisan 17/15 “Immunization strategies and coverage in non-EU Countries of the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea” pubblicato a luglio 2017 e all’articolo “Immunization Strategies Targeting Newly Arrived Migrants in Non-EU Countries of the Mediterranean Basin and Black Sea” (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14(5), 459).